Jez Helps Panasonic Connect North America to Shift Mindset

The cornerstone of shifting our mindset is asking not just more questions, but more of the right questions. How do you know which questions to ask, and what happens from a behavioural perspective when we do?

400 delegates from across America discovered the answer and more this week when Jez presented his 60 minute keynote at the National Meeting for Panasonic Connect North America held in Miami, Florida.

Delegates leaned forward, took photographs of his slides and scribbled notes as Jez shared research, insights into behavioural psychology, and practical questions to help not only shift mindset but to achieve extraordinary results: the very same questions and tools used by high performing teams to assess, reflect, and tangibly ‘move the needle’. Asking more questions helps uncover alternative ways of thinking and behaving, which in turn can help us to achieve more. Many of the delegates thanked Jez for his contribution, with one comparing him to: “a cross between Dr. Phil and Robin Williams”!

Vice President of Marketing for Panasonic Connect North America , Brian Rowley, shared how challenging it was to find keynote speakers he could trust to deliver powerful content in an engaging way, suggesting it was a real leap of faith when booking a keynote speaker for a meeting or conference.

With several areas of business, multiple departments and a wide cross section of the Panasonic Connect business present, including representatives from Panasonic head quarters in Japan, the National Meeting keynote needed to appeal to a diverse audience, and present practical, helpful solutions, which helped to upskill middle management to help drive messaging by changing mindset and behaviours to support this.

With 20 years experience of creating engaging and dynamic content, something Jez is passionate about and which is evident in his authentic delivery, he was delighted to receive this note from Brian:

“Jez added an element of energy and effectiveness in communicating our message in a way I have not experienced before. He is incredibly easy to work with, both pre and during the event, and did a considerable amount of research in his preparation to make sure his content directly tied back to our overall message for the team. His balance of humor and serious content was well managed and kept the team engaged for the entire time.”

Although it took several years for availability to align for Jez to be at the National Meeting in person, in the mean time Brian invited Jez onto Panasonic’s internal podcast The Big REthink, in 2021, to discuss the importance of authenticity at work (take a listen here).

The more questions we ask, the more we uncover about our team and workplace cultural identity, which helps us to be collectively clearer about our purpose; to deliver on objectives with clarity, and to explore more the power of being more consciously aware of our behaviour, and its impact on not only our own mindset, but that of others, too.


