If you're looking at the image below thinking it looks a lot like a lady playing a piano whilst falling through a stage floor, you'd be partly correct!

At an event in London I was speaking at this week I was presented with a catalogue of errors, each requiring me to think on my feet, and adapt. There's not an awful lot I haven't seen in 20 years, so I'm not often phased, but one error in particular; an untimely issue with a microphone during a challenging agenda that left no room for errors, reminded me of this wonderful video.

It's short, but none-the-less inspiring, and worth a watch. 

It shows Brazilian pianist Eliane Rodrigues who began playing to a packed auditorium. To her dismay, she realises not long after beginning her concert that the piano has a problem. 

Not wanting to disappoint the paying audience gathered to enjoy her performance, she continues whilst a new piano is found - continuing to play while she and the problematic piano are wheeled across the stage, lowered beneath the stage, and a new piano positioned, both rising resplendent to rapturous applause!

It really is a treat to watch.

However, more than that, it is a wonderful lesson in how to respond to life's unexpected challenges.

We forget, but we do have a choice as to how we respond - and so often when we respond without first thinking of the consequences, we regret the choice we make.

I'll be keeping Eliane's brilliant video in mind as a reminder that going with the change, and with a smile on our face, is a much less stressful response many more will appreciate.




Which are you feeding?